i4 Spec: interface.fla
Last Updated: 06/11/02
By: Steven Skoczen
Most of the interface is programmable, and built-in behaviors and objects are listed below.
Element list:
Other Items:
-Menu Clips (for the drawers)
-Menu Buttons
-menu: exit v2
-menu: contact
-menu: review
-menu: help
Important Functions:
-setCurrentSection (newString)
-setSurveyTitle (newString)
-loadLogo ()
-setElementStatus (elementName, booleanStatus)
-setShellColor (red,green,blue,colorObject)
-setBackgroundColor (red,green,blue,colorObject)
-temp_convertRGBToColorObject(red, green, blue, alpha)
-initialize (elementTooltipEnabled, elementProgressBarEnabled, elementBackArrowEnabled, elementNextArrowEnabled, elementLogoClipEnabled, elementShellFaceEnabled, elementBackgroundEnabled, progressPercent, currentSectionText, surveyTitleText, shellRed, shellGreen, shellBlue, shellColorObject, backRed, backGreen, backBlue, backColorObject)
Detailed Behaviors
type: movieClip
location: movie root
description: this clip contains all the tooltip buttons for the title bar, section text, and progress bar.
properties/functions: contains two frames: "enabled" and "disabled". Defaults to enabled.elementProgressBar
type: movieClip
location: movie root
description: this clip contains the progress bar, bar shell, and percent.
properties/functions: Function updateBar(percentage) updates the bar position and number. The actual bar is named clip_bar, and the text field (text_pctComplete) is driven by the variable pctCompleteText.elementBackArrow
type: movieClip
location: movie root
description: this clip holds the back arrow button.
properties/functions: contains two frames: "enabled" and "disabled". Defaults to enabled.elementNextArrow
type: movieClip
location: movie root
description: this clip holds the forward arrow button.
properties/functions: contains two frames: "enabled" and "disabled". Defaults to enabled.elementLogoClip
type: movieClip
location: movie root
description: this clip is the placeholder for user-enabled logos.
properties/functions: contains two frames: "enabled" and "disabled". Defaults to enabled. Has a function (loadLogo) that loads the logo.swf file into the element instance.
not done yet: logo.swf should be generated in generator (so we can include things besides jpg's), then included with the build.elementShellface
type: movieClip
location: movie root
description: this clip contains the shell face, and border line.
properties/functions: contains one child clip, "shellface". Any transformations to the background color should be done to this clip.
not done yet: Need to change the tempConvert function to be the global convertRGBToColorObject() function.elementBackground
type: movieClip
location: movie root
description: the background, behind everything else.
properties/functions: this is the clip to tint to change the overall background color.
Menu Clips (for the drawers)
type: movieClip
location:movie root
description: this clip contains the help menu drawer.
properties/functions: contains a tween between two states: "closed" (bar is off to the right side), and "open" (bar is showing)drawerReview
type: movieClip
location:movie root
description: this clip contains the review menu drawer.
properties/functions: contains a tween between two states: "closed" (bar is off to the right side), and "open" (bar is showing)drawerContact
type: movieClip
location:movie root
description: this clip contains the contact menu drawer.
properties/functions: contains a tween between two states: "closed" (bar is off to the right side), and "open" (bar is showing)drawerExit
type: movieClip
location:movie root
description: this clip contains the exit menu drawer.
properties/functions: contains a tween between two states: "closed" (bar is off to the right side), and "open" (bar is showing)
Menu Buttons (instances unnamed)
menu: exit v2
type: button
location:movie root
description: the button for the exit menu.
properties/functions: triggers showHideMenu();menu: contact
type: button
location:movie root
description: the button for the contact menu.
properties/functions: triggers showHideMenu();menu: review
type: button
location:movie root
description: the button for the review menu.
properties/functions: triggers showHideMenu();menu: help
type: button
location:movie root
description: the button for the help menu.
properties/functions: triggers showHideMenu();
Text Fields
type: textfield
location: movie root
description: the current section text field. (Lower left)
properties/functions: The text field is fed by variable currentSectionText.textfieldSurveyTitle
type: textfield
location: movie root
description: the survey title text field. (Top center)
properties/functions: The text field is fed by variable surveyTitleText.
Important Functions:
type: function
location: movie root
description: this function advances the survey to the next state.
properties/functions: no parameters, currently
not done yet: needs to tie in to global nav.clickNext()
type: function
location: movie root
description: this function advances the survey to the previous state.
properties/functions: no parameters, currently
not done yet: needs to tie in to global nav.showHideMenu( drawerName )
type: function
location: movie root
description: the function to show and hide the drawers.
properties/functions: closes all drawers not on frame 1, opens the drawer passed as a parameter.setCurrentSection ( newString )
type: function
location: movie root
description: the function to set the current section text.
properties/functions: sets the parameter as the text.setSurveyTitle ( newString )
type: function
location: movie root
description: the function to set the survey title text.
properties/functions: sets the parameter as the text.loadLogo (drawerName )
type: function
location: movie root
description: the function to load the user-specified logo image.
properties/functions: this function just loads a file, "logo.swf". The logo.swf file needs to be created in generator.setElementStatus( elementName, booleanStatus)
type: function
location: movie root
description: the function to enable and disable various interface elements.
properties/functions: the function enables or disables the element specified in elementName (must be a complete name, i.e. elementBackArrow), based on the booleanStatus parameter. True enables, false disables.setShellColor ( red,green,blue,colorObject )
type: function
location: movie root
description: the function to change the shell (curvy outside area)'s color.
properties/functions: the function will accept either a rgb value, or a color object. If the color object is passed, it is used over the R,G,B set, if any. It takes the colors, and tints the shell 100%. Border color (light gray) is unchanged.setBackgroundColor ( red,green,blue,colorObject )
type: function
location: movie root
description: the function to change the background (and stage) color.
properties/functions: the function will accept either a rgb value, or a color object. If the color object is passed, it is used over the R,G,B set, if any. It then sets at 100% tint, the background MC, and the stage color.elementProgressBar.updateBar( percentDone )
type: function
location: elementProgressBar
description: sets the bar scale and text.
properties/functions: Note that the percentDone parameter ranges from 0 to 100, not 0 to 1.initialize (elementTooltipEnabled, elementProgressBarEnabled, elementBackArrowEnabled, elementNextArrowEnabled, elementLogoClipEnabled, elementShellFaceEnabled, elementBackgroundEnabled, progressPercent, currentSectionText, surveyTitleText, shellRed, shellGreen, shellBlue, shellColorObject, backRed, backGreen, backBlue, backColorObject)
type: function
location: movie root
description: sets up everything in the clip.
properties/functions: parameter definitions:
booleans (enable (true) or disable (false) elements)
progressPercent - number (0 to 100) to set as pct done.
currentSectionText - text to put in the current section area.
surveyTitleText - text to put in the title area.
shellRed, shellGreen, shellBlue, shellColorObject - set of parameters to set the shell color. see setShellColor for more detail.
backRed, backGreen, backBlue, backColorObject) - set of parameters to set the background color. see setBackgroundColor for more detail.