I4 modules must conform to the following API in order to be successfully loaded and used by the I4 runtime.
Life CycleAPI Functions
function selfFinalize() - tells the runtime this module is ready to be finalized, and wants to advance (only needed if autoAdvance is true)
function selfFinalizable() - tells the runtime this module is ready to be finalized, and to wait for the next button on the interface
function selfRunning() - tells the runtime that the module has changed its mind, and is not ready to be finalized
Event Functions
function eventHandler(event, text) - this is the generic hook by which the runtime talks to the modules. The old hook functions Initalize and Finalize are now represented by events EVENT_MODULE_INITALIZE and EVENT_MODULE_FINALIZE, respectively.
// event module needs to initialized
// event module needs to finalize
// user requested advancement, but it failed
// event module should layout itself
// module is not used right now
// module has a loadModule executed on it
// but the preloader has not finished
// loaded by runtime, means that the runtime is setting it
// initalize is called under this state, and the preloader has finished
// loaded and running, but not finalizable
// module will be okay if it needs to be finalized
// module sets it by calling selfFinalizable
// work is done, used in the autoadvance mode
// so that a module says, "i'm done" by calling selfFinalize
Example without autoAdvance (autoAdvance = false)
Step |
Who |
What |
1 |
Runtime |
i4load's the module |
2 |
Runtime |
Sets module.lifeCycleState to MODULE_LIFECYCLE_LOADED |
3 |
Runtime |
Calls eventHandler with Initialize and waits for function to return |
4 |
Module |
Does any init work |
5 |
Runtime |
On return, calls gotoAndPlay on the module |
6 |
Module |
Does whatever it wants, and sets FINALIZEABLE |
7 |
Runtime |
User clicks on the next button |
8 |
Runtime |
Calls eventHandler with finalize |
9 |
Module |
Finishes its work, writes some variables |
10 |
Runtime |
Unloads module |
Example with autoAdvance
Step |
Who |
What |
1 |
Runtime |
if4loadÕs the module |
2 |
Runtime |
Sets module.lifeCycleState to MODULE_LIFECYCLE_LOADED |
3 |
Runtime |
Calls eventHalder with initalize and waits for function to return |
4 |
Module |
Does any init work |
5 |
Runtime |
On return, calls gotoAndPlay on the module |
6 |
Module |
Does whatever it wants |
7 |
Module |
Is ready to advance, calls selfFinalize() |
8 |
Runtime |
Calls eventHandler with finalize |
9 |
Module |
Finishes its work, writes some variables |
10 |
Runtime |
Unloads module |
Database APIs
The I4 database is simple and designed to be easy to use for module writers. For the most part, interaction with this API is transparent. All constants are automatically associated with values in the regular name space.
Thus, for constants such as a title for a module, they will become this.title. The mapping is as follows:
Module |
<const type="integer" name="xpos" value="43" /> | this.xpos = 43 |
<const type="composite" name="layout"> <const type="integer" name="xpos" value="534" /> <const type="integer value="115" /> </const> |
To write values to the database, you must use the setValue API. A full description of the API functions are as follows:
API Functions
- this.getValue(variableName) - returns the value of the variable with name variableName
- this.setValue(variableName, variableValue) - sets variableName to equal variableValue, and automatically casts the datatype into the correct type that was defined by configuration.xml
Start Frame Labels
The first frame of a module must contain the initialize and
finalize functions. The runtime after it has called initialize will then jump
the module to its startLabel. If this is unspecified in the XML, the runtime
will jump to the frame named "start" as a default, otherwise the runtime
will jump to the specified target.
<module type="vas" instance="health1" startLabel="someOtherLabel">
Interface Invisibility
If a module wishes to not have the interface displayed during
its execution, it may specific the noInterface attribute on the module tag.
This attribute only works for individual modules, and not predictably for grouped
<module type="vas" instance="health1" noInterface="true">
Reserved Words
These following words may not be used as constants for a module:
- autoAdvance
- allowJump
- moduleType
- lifeCycleState
- layout
- startLabel
- noInterface
Complete API List
// Gets an array of all the running modules (i.e. currentModules)
// includeNonModules -- boolean, optional, weather or not to include modules
_global.getCurrentModules = function(includeNonModules)
// transforms a XML module name into it's systemlevel name
// you should only need to use this if you're interacting with the XML directly
_global.userModuleToSystem = function(module)
// send an event to modules (either a single module or an
// set modules[0]="runtime" to raise a runtime event
_global.sendEventToModules = function(modules, event, text)
// allocate a new safe Flash level
_global.allocNewLevel = function(base)
Loads an I4 module
_global.i4Load = function(toLoad, baseClip)
toLoad -- module to load
baseClip -- target to load into
Unloads an I4 module
_global.i4Unload = function(clipName, fakeUnload)
clipName -- optional, if specified unloads only that clip, otherwise unloads
all getCurrentModules clips
fakeUnload -- optional, does everything except the actual unload
n/a - no module level functions exist
// Sends this machine's manifest to the URL
_global.urlClient = function(theURL)
XmlSocketClient (in development)
function XmlSocketClient_connect(location,port)
function XmlSocketClient_disconnect()
function XmlSocketClient_sendData(varName, namespace)
Encryption (in development)
// Return next random integer between 0 and n inclusive
// Base64 encodes a string
function base64Encode(str)
// Base64 decodes a string
function base64Decode(str)
CacheManager (in development)
// write the current in-memory dataset to disk
function _cacheManager_writeManifest()
// sets a value
_global._setValue = function(variableName, variableValue)
// gets a value
_global._getValue = function(variableName)
// gets a list of all the variables that have the word subPart
in it
_global.getKeyNames = function(subPart)
// returns the access type of a variable
_global.getFieldAccess = function(variableName)
// returns the field's type
_global.getFieldType = function(variableName)