Impact4 Thoughts, Ideas and Wishes
- Fully made in Flash 5
- Deliverable will be zip file containing
- Index.php - the file that contains the HTML for the Flash
- Survey.swf - the survey, all different parts balled together by Generator
- Survey.xml - the file that runs the survey, contains configuration for the SWF file to run in ActionScript
- Support for random or linear page views, as well as conditional branching
- No difference for versions that run on web or that run on client (e.g. kiosk or clinic)
- Support for XML/Web Services on the server side, so clients can run without any server software and send step-by-step updates to a server
- Support step-by-step saving, dump to server saving and saving to text file (XML)
- Support for MOV, RM, and WMF locally or on a streaming server
- Support for video montage (with or without sound), talking head with audio
- Support Logic Checks via XML, batch or when event occurred mode
- Training sequences selectable on all instruments
- All instruments in Flash, with multiple views
- Each instrument a separate SWF file, runs the XML configuration for its own state, which is fed into it by the main 'control' SWF
- Plug-in-able Questionnaire sets, including SF-12, demographic data, etc, which can be created by web users
- Configurable fonts, colors and button sizes (for visually impaired)
- Full text editing available on all instruments, with default 'prompts' provided
- Impact4 Web site
- Easier to use, tab-based site
- Collects the different health states, instruments, and text
- Identifies each unique SWF part and puts it together into one big SWF with Generator
- Generate survey.xml file
- Puts parts together into a Zip file, or, if capable into a deliverable EXE/SIT (in native deliverable mode XML is included in the file)